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Data DBs are Data (email addresses, usernames, product information) that is sent to or retrieved by EMC3 to populate the dynamic content of the emails it sends.
They can be Static e.g. A single CSV uploaded with a list of people you want to send a message to, or Dynamic so there is connection between live changing data and what is stored in the EMC3.
Since this is a new DataDB you will create a Template as the same time
From Name:
From Email:
Bounce Email:
Select where the data for the new Data DB is coming from
Pull to this server. Issue the following GET to return from your server |
Data DB Short Code Name Data DB Description
All data must include a column header row, be in CSV compliant with rfc4180 that is Quoted and Escaped, and any column heading must be unqiue with any secondary tables referencing primary keys with the same name in the primary table. See example
We've got the data! You can now create the Template that is sent to your users.